Then in March, we drove up to Whistler for some gorgeous snowboarding with Denay and Brian.... The village was amazing and I definitely could get lost up there!

In May we took an incredible trip to DC, NYC, and Boston. We got to visit with Adam's uncle Ed and grandma Bea:

We also were able to visit MIke and Christy and their new daughter Rachel (10 days old).

In New York we did all of the fun tourist activities (Statue of Liberty, Empire State building, etc.) Some notable things were going to the taping of a David Letterman show, the Today show, walking across the Brooklyn bridge, going to a broadway show (The Producer's) and of course seeing Wall Street (for me). Here are some pics of our adventures in NYC...

We only had a couple of days in Boston, but that was enough to see 2 Red Sox games! We had VIP seats (thanks to one of Adam's agents), and the atmosphere was like nothing you would get on the west coast. It was the highlight of the trip!
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